There are many shared principles between the Alexander Technique and classical riding, which combine to form an effective and enjoyable school of movement. The Alexander Technique does not distract us from the art of riding but instead makes it much easier and less effort to understand these revered equestrian masters. F. M. Alexander's technique guides us back into our own bodies and to ourselves. It trains our awareness and enhances our sense of any imbalances present. We learn to recognise what is wrong, allow better use to happen and to live with our bodies in a way which promotes wellbeing. This finely tuned awareness, which we learn with the Alexander Technique, can be applied to the horse and fits in nicely with the aims of Academic Riding. When we know how we want to be seated, we can train our horse in a way which makes this possible. When working on the ground, we can take the time to observe how the bones and muscles of the horse work together. When we then mount, we already have an idea of how his body works most effectively. Our trained warning system helps us to sense any sign of excess tension. With practice, we learn to release this and avoid any unsuitable shortening of the muscles. Each muscle should be free to expand to its full length when it is not being used. Only then will it be able to develop its full power when it is contracted. Our horse remains in full control of its whole range of movement and we learn how not to disturb him in his natural motion or impair his health. Our horses will love this new way in which we work with them. Horse lovers will experience a state of natural presence, with an optimum balance between tension and relaxation. Nothing is more enjoyable that discovering how much easier it is to ride than we thought!
⇒ Alexander Technique⇒ Classical Riding
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